Angular consulting

App architecture & best practices
Project structure: e.g. setting up of Nx and defining clear boundaries
Smart and presentational components
Optimized bundle-size
Performance optimization by implementing best practices and using modern tools
Library development
Applying best practices for structuring and implementing libraries
Bundle-size optimization and tree-shaking optimization
Pattern to build truly scalable and adaptable components
Analysis of the current testing situation
Introduction of fitting tools for your needs: unit tests, e2e-tests, component-tests, accessibility-tests
Performance optimization
Startup & runtime performance
Analysis and eliminating of performance bottlenecks
Reactive programing with RxJs and Signals
Mediation of knowledge for RxJs basics as well as advanced pattern
Observable and signal composition
Reactive components without subscriptions
Know-How transfer
Code & architecture reviews
Pair programming
(Short) workshops tailored to your needs